InAI Ink & BioTechnologybyMarmsregine Universal ShopContribute Your Voice in the World of AI: Join AI Ink and Biotechnology Publication Today.Share Your Insights, Ideas, and Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence with a Global AudienceJul 8, 20232Jul 8, 20232
Marmsregine Universal ShopMaster the Crypto World with the Gemini AppEmpowering Your Digital Asset Journey: Unleashing the Full Potential of the Gemini AppApr 13, 20231Apr 13, 20231
SaifExploring the Diverse World of Blockchain Consensus MechanismsBlockchain technology has revolutionized the way we think about trust and security in digital transactions. However, one of the biggest…Apr 8, 2023Apr 8, 2023
Vitalik ButerinA Proof of Stake Design PhilosophySystems like Ethereum (and Bitcoin, and NXT, and Bitshares, etc) are a fundamentally new class of cryptoeconomic organisms — decentralized…Dec 30, 201658Dec 30, 201658
InInfinitismbyVitalik ButerinERC 4337: account abstraction without Ethereum protocol changesAccount abstraction has for a long time been a dream of the Ethereum developer community. Instead of EVM code just being used to implement…Sep 29, 202131Sep 29, 202131
Okereke LindaALTAVA: Digitization Of The Fashion World For The Benefits Of Both Brands And The Consumers.ALTAVA is an innovative project that integrates the business of fashion and luxury products into the blockchain. It is a blockchain-based…Feb 14, 2023Feb 14, 2023